The Copyright Directive created a solution for cultural heritage institutions to be able to share out of commerce works online. This addresses the 20th century blackhole and has the potential to shed light on thousands and millions of items that copyright has been keeping in the shadows. It provides an opportunity to contribute more data to the Common Data Space for Cultural Heritage, and for online audiences to enjoy heritage that is otherwise locked away.
During this session, you will find out more about the out of commerce works solution. After a general overview, we will talk about specific examples from countries that have made progress and share practical tips and capacity building resources that the Europeana Out of Commerce Works Working Group.
Ariadna Matas, Europeana Foundation
Maarten Zeinstra, Open Nederland
Naomi Korn, PhD student, University of Edinburgh
Catherine Starkie, IFRRO
28-09-2022 14:00 - 15:00
Hosted by: Ariadna MatasMessages will be visible for table members and will NOT be shared on Facebook.